Health Focus: Golden Retrievers

Posted on: 1 March 2018

The active, outgoing and fun-loving golden retriever is one of the most beloved all-American canine companions. According to the American Kennel Club breed registry, the golden retriever has consistently ranked as the third most popular breed for more than three consecutive years. This comes as no surprise since golden retrievers are ideal family dogs. Golden retrievers are prone to several health problems that you should be aware of if you plan to make one of these dogs a member of your family.
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Tips For Finding A High-Quality Cat Boarding Facility

Posted on: 23 May 2017

If you are going on an extended vacation this summer and need to board your cat for the first time, then you are likely feeling apprehensive about the process. While this is normal, it really isn't necessary. Once you find a quality cat boarding facility, then you can travel worry-free knowing that your beloved kitty is in excellent hands. And, just like dogs, cats quickly adjust to their boarding and will be fine during your absence and will be thrilled to see you again when you get home.
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4 Factors To Consider When Trading In Your Horse Trailer

Posted on: 13 February 2017

Trading your trusty horse trailer in for a new one is a big decision. If you've owned your trailer for a long time, you'll want to choose one that fits your current and future needs. The variety in horse trailers may have also changed since you last purchased yours, so it's a good idea to arm yourself with some knowledge before heading down to trade your trailer. Here are four factors to consider when trading your horse trailer in for a new one.
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Why Is Your Dog So Gassy?

Posted on: 1 December 2016

"Blaming it on the dog" is a common strategy when you don't want to be blamed for flatulence. But what about when the smelly odors really are coming from your dog's rear end? There are a number of possible reasons why dogs may develop bad gas; some are serious, and some aren't very worrisome at all. Swallowed Air One of the most common reasons why dogs become gassy is swallowing excessive air when eating.
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